Showbiz Expose is a site that gives you the latest news, gossips, trends, features etc in the Entertainment industry. It focuses in Pinoy/Filipino entertainment but also gives you a glimpse of what's happening in Hollywood. From TV series and movies to the latest music, print and media, and network ratings. Expect only the latest from Showbiz Expose.

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For more information, you may also send us a message by using the contact form located at the lower right side of this site. Showbiz Expose is a site that gives you the latest news, gossips, trends, features etc in the Entertainment industry. It focuses in Pinoy/Filipino entertainment but also gives you a glimpse of what's happening in Hollywood. From TV series and movies to the latest music, print and media, and network ratings. Expect only the latest from Showbiz Expose.

This site/blog accepts forms of advertisements excluding adult-related stuffs, gambling and anything that violates Google policy.

For more information, you may also send us a message by using the contact form located at the lower right side of this site.